Deep Dive Tax Breakdown

There have been many questions surrounding taxes, so let's address those now.

We can all agree that in any project that taxes, we all love to hate them. Taxes are, however, a vital and necessary "evil" so let me break it down as Kingdom Protector.

A Kingdom/Protocol needs taxes in place to maintain sustainability, the overall health of the people and project, and this is a fact. Our tax system is not a drip system or a honeypot. That is also a fact.

The idea of any rebase protocol is long-term (ideally years) of passive income; that is the purpose of investing, you want to come back every day to see how your income has grown passively. With that in mind, let me break down the Kingdom's tax system and some adjustments made to improve the project and for our loyal knights.

For the 1st week of Launch, the Tax will be as follows:

35% Tax for your daily sell limit.

-What is my daily limit?-

Your daily limit you can sell per day at 35% tax is 2x your daily rebase amount. This will be for the first week.

-What happens if I decide to sell over my above daily limit?-

The Royal Family Anti Whale Tax will kick in at 40% for selling anything over your above daily limit.

Anything you sell over your daily limit will result in a TOTAL of both taxes (35% daily sell limit + 40% Royal Family Whale tax = 75% TOTAL).

Now let's talk about adjustments for the next 3 weeks following on:

After Launch Week, the taxes will be adjusted as follows:

A drop from 35% down to 20% Tax for your daily limit sell

-What is my daily limit?-

Your daily limit you can sell per day at 20% tax is 2x your daily rebase amount.

-What happens if I sell over my daily limit?-

The Royal Family Anti Whale Tax will kick in at 50% for selling anything above your daily limit.

Anything you sell over your daily limit will result in a TOTAL of both taxes (20% daily sell limit + 50% whale tax = 70% TOTAL).

This has all been debated many times, and we have agreed that these figures will help maintain the long-term, passive, non-pump and dump, anti-whale, sustainable, and wealth-generating Protocol REIGN was built to be. Kingdoms weren't built in a day.

Taxes are the necessary evil to keep the money flowing every day, for you, the loyal knights! Also, remembering the Range Bound System (RMS) paired with the Tax will make for daily, predictable, and long-term passive income gains.

Last updated